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Developed by Niall Maple

Clone of the classic game, with a few modifications, that make it a bit more interesting to play.

A brief demo is shown in the video 

Want to play the Original!

C++ - Space Invaders

This game, was the game that made me understand how to use delegates better within C++, UE4.

Here is two examples, one to be called when the enemy is destroyed, broadcasting to remove the enemy element from the list and simultaneously increase the score in the gamemode, both requiring the enemy itself to passed through, such that the array knows which element to remove, and the score get extract the enemys' value from the reference.

Additionally, there is an OnWallReached event which enables all the invaders to move in unison, as basically, each enemy subscribes to this event, so when one reaches the wall, it broadcasts to call the Reverse Direction on every enemy, same goes for the boss!

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