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C++ - Character Carnage

Fast paced multiplayer platformer

Teamsize : 1

Duration : 2 weeks

Primary focus: 2D in unreal, and further exploring aspect oriented programming as an alternative to inheritance

Note: Managed to implement live session join / leave functionality too. So players can leave if it gets too difficult, up to 4 players

Here, i am using aspect oriented programming to determine what to do when the player overlaps a trigger.

So for each object it is possible for them to have specific components, which can be manipulated at run-time.

Specifically, a "Kill comp" , "Bouncy comp" and a "Teleport comp" . So it became very easy to add that behaviour to new objects within the scene.

This function is what initiates the "death" set of events. It adds to the death counter in the corner, whilst updating the animation state machine and subsequently preventing any other actions / input from happening whilst death

The actual death function, spawns the particle effect, adjusts all collision channels, then using a timer delegate, starts the countdown for re-spawning the player and turning all his channels back on.

Respawn - so reset collision channels back to normal and reactivate the player controller and then finally teleport him back to the start, from the Game instance, which keeps track of each levels respective spawn point through an update method called on BeginPlay in the game mode.

Some Images, followed by some code

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